Medical Team

Kristen DeJardine

Senior Radiation Therapist

Kristen DeJardine

Kristen DeJardine is a senior radiation therapist at Pacific Cancer Institute. She has worked in the healthcare industry for over 21 years and joined the team at PCI in June 2024.

She attended Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, where she earned an associate degree in science in radiation therapy and a Bachelor of Science in cellular and developmental biology.

As a radiation therapist, Kristen gets to treat the physical and emotional impacts that cancer has on the patient’s body and mind. She loves the fact that she gets to know her patients over time, sharing stories of each other’s friends and family, making treatments feel like a visit with an old friend, rather than a stale medical procedure they have to come to every day.

In her spare time, Kristen enjoys spending time with her daughter and dogs. With her daughter, they love to find a great place to eat and discuss how their day went and what activities they have coming up. During the evening, she enjoys spending time at the computer to play a few card games to keep her mind sharp.